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Talk to Your Children About Sex: Very Important

Talk to Your Children About Sex
Most times children are so curious about something regarding sex, because, they have access to Television and movies all the time, and if you ask most of them, they will tell you they feel that if they ask their parents questions, the parent will think they are up to something bad.

Sex education is important for children between the ages of 10 to 13 years. For every responsible parent, try to find time and guide your children, if not someone else out there is ready to guide them wrongly.

Sex is everywhere on Television, in  movies, and plastered all over advertising, now a days is even popping up on everyone's internet, especially social media networks. It seems that the only place the subject is still considered taboo is in conversation between parents and children. 

A teen once said "I wish parents knew how nerve-racking and embarrassing it is to talk to them about sex,". "It's easier to talk to a friend." If parent will make the first approach, it will go a long way for their kids.

Often, parents are just as reluctant as their children to broach the subject. In her book Beyond the Big Talk, health educator Debra W. Haffner says: "Many parents have told me that they bought their child a book on sexuality or puberty, left it in the preteen's room, and never discussed it again." Haffner says that the message to children is clear: "We want you to know about your body and about sex; we just don't want to talk to you about it."

If you are a parent, you need to take a different stance. Indeed, it is crucial that you personally talk to your children about sex. Consider three reasons:

1. The sexual landscape has changed.

An 18 year old once said, "There is no longer the quick definition of sex-a husband and wife having inter-course," . "Now, there is oral sex, anal sex, cybersex and even 'sexting' over the phone."

2. Your children will likely be confronted with misinformation at an early age.

At an early age, your children will hear about sex as soon as they start school, and once you make the mistake of letting them to hear it from school, they will not get the viewpoint that you want them to have.

3. Your children have questions about sex but are not likely to initiate a discussion with you.

Because at that age, most of them have no idea how to start a conversation with their parents about it.

To be honest, talking to your children about sex is part of your God-given responsibility as a parent, it may be awkward both for you and for them, though, many youths will want to learn about sex from their parents not from their friends, teacher or TV program. How, then, can you talk to your children about this important yet admittedly awkward topic?"

According to Their Age

Unless they live in total isolation, children begin hearing about sex at an early age. Even more disturbing is the fact that in these last days wicked men have advanced from bad to worse.

It is therefore important for you to start educating your children while they are still quite young. If you wait till they are getting closer to their teenage age,  they may not want to speak openly because of the inhibitions that come with puberty. The key is to give children information that is appropriate to their age.

For preschoolers: 

Focus on teaching the proper names of the sex organs, and emphasize that no one should touch these organs, some parents started teaching their children when they were three years old,. Just knowing that teachers, babysitters, or older children could hurt him concerned me very much. He needed to know how to protect himself from strangers.

TRY THIS: Train your child to respond firmly if anyone attempts to play with his or her private area. 

This article will address the need to talk to your children about sex. A future article in this series will discuss how to impart moral values in such discussions.

Sex organs:  For example, you might teach your child to say "Stop i am going to tell on you!" Always assure your child that telling, is always appropriate, even if the person promises gifts or makes threats.

For primary-school children: 
Use these years as an opportunity to add to your child's knowledge gradually. "Test the waters before having a talk," recommends a father named Peter. "See what they already know and whether they want to know more. Don't force the discussion. It will likely come naturally if you regularly spend time with your children."

TRY THIS: Have frequent, short discussions instead of one 'big talk.'  This way you will not overwhelm your children. Furthermore, as they grow up, they will have the information they need in accord with their maturity level.

For adolescents: Now is the time to make sure that your child has sufficient knowledge of the physical, emotional, and moral aspects of sex. Boys and girls at the age of 15 or lesser are already hooking up. As embarrassing, as sex may be to discuss, it's something they must know about.

A caution: Teens may hold back from asking questions because they fear that their parents will suspect them of improper conduct. That is what one father found. "Our son became reluctant to discuss sex," he says. "But later we found out that he felt we were suspicious of his behavior. 

We hope and pray this works for your child.

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